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                                         Know Your Worth: Discover                                          Your Personal Processing Profile

  •   Gain better self-understanding
  •   Begin to unravel limiting beliefs
  •   Improve relationships
  •   More confident decision making
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Is the Discover E-course right for me?

Taking the Discover E-course is the first step we take on our journey of reclaiming our self-worth. This Self-guided course is designed to support and guide you in identifying your Personal Processing Profile –Thinker/Head, Feeler/Heart, Doer/Gut. Discovering how you take in, filter and relate to yourself, others and your life experience results in more clarity around why we feel, think and behave the way we do.

Once we understand the lens through which we see the world, we are more readily able to detach from the limiting beliefs and stories that have become the hidden scripts that run our lives.


We are no longer living in reaction mode and are able to understand ourselves and those around us with more clarity and compassion. This class brings us closer to our true self. The self free from our fleeting thoughts, over-reactive emotions and misguided beliefs. If you are on a quest for a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-understanding this course is for you! After taking this Self-guided course, you will walk away with deeper self-understanding, improved relationships and more confident decision making skills. Please join me on this insightful journey!

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The lens through which we see the world originates through

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Hello and Welcome. I'm Elaine Turner. I guess you could say I am many things - a designer, entrepreneur, mother, wife, sister, daughter, philanthropist, and best girlfriend. You can also find me moonlighting as a part-time author, comedian, psychologist and interior designer. But all these so-called roles only tell part of my story, my heart beats through connection with other people. So first and foremost, I am a lover of people-especially women. In fact, I built the Know Your Worth Program for women as a way to connect, share our wounds and grow stronger together. 

The Discover e-course is the first step we take on the Know Your Worth journey. It is a framework I developed to help you identify your Personal Processing Profile based on how you take in, filter and relate to yourself, others and the world around you. Knowing your processing center (Thinker/Mind, Feeler/Heart and Doer/Gut) reveals where you process the majority of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. 

By bringing awareness to our primary processing center, we are better able to understand the fact that it's through this lens that determines so much of how we perceive ourselves and our life circumstances. In fact, biologists have recently determined that 80% of what goes into creating what we call "experience" comes from information already in our brain, and only 20% is actual sensory data that we take in from the outside world. (Claire Zammit, Unlock Your Feminine Power, 2019) In other words, we are not victims to what happens to us, we are the victims of how we perceive it to be. Life is happening in and through us, not outside of us. 

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”

- Anais Nin

Once we understand this truth, we are able to gain clarity around why we think, feel and behave the way we do. We begin to clearly see how we’ve interpreted certain situations in our lives and how our beliefs have shaped our reality. With this deeper self-understanding, we can start to unravel our limited beliefs and create a life based on better self-understanding, improved relationships and more effective decision making. Ultimately, all of this new found awareness creates space for more compassion for ourselves and others. Developing a lens built on deeper self-understanding and compassion changes everything. It allows us to treat ourselves and others more tenderly which leads to a greater sense of worthiness, and ultimately self-love. 

Much of my work in this course was inspired by the enneagram personality typing system and the ancient teachings of the Hindu chakra system. Also, and possibly most importantly, scientists are now saying that there is evidence that the human body contains three brains. Neuroscience over the last few years has shown that aside from your head brain (the one we're familiar with, the 'cephalic brain'), we also have a heart brain ('cardiac brain') and a gut brain ('enteric brain'). Each of these brains is a sophisticated system of sensory neurons, motor neurons, neurotransmitters, and ganglia. They are able to receive and process information, store it, and access it again when needed. They can: sense, learn, remember, communicate, and change- amazing! (invisible-edgellc.com)

 In this course, you'll learn to identify your own center and use that knowledge to gain self-insight so you can improve your life. 

You'll learn how to make the most out of your profile while also learning how to deal with other profiles more effectively. I'll also give you the key attributes, key challenges and the decision-making tendencies of each profile. 

Furthermore, we will study, define and breakdown the basic components of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs. We will engage in deep self-reflection and take inventory on what our own individual experience has been with each of these constructs. And, lastly, we will complete the course with a curated list of tools I specifically designed for each profile. These tools were created to maximize your own processing center, and to bring more balance and synergy across all three centers. 

From where I sit, the most fulfilled people are those who have committed themselves to deeper self-understanding in order to show up in life wholeheartedly. Taking this course will allow you to harness the strengths of your tendency while also discovering ways to counterbalance the limitations of your profile. 

In summary, when you've completed this course, you'll have taken your first steps toward building specific strategies to implement based on YOUR center. You'll have tools and practices to thrive in who you are and who you want to become. 

And most importantly, you'll also walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

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Are You a Thinker, Feeler, or Doer?

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"I Think, therefore I am"

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"I Feel, therefore I am"

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"I Do, therefore I am"

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Who is the Discover E-Course for?

The course is right for you if you have ever felt any of below...

  •   I want to build better relationships
  •   I am passionate about self-growth and deeper self-understanding
  •   I no longer want to live in reaction mode and feel victim to my emotional ups and downs.
  •   I want to take the initial steps to unpack the limited beliefs I have unconsciously lived by.
  •   I want to become more conscious of my thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs.
  •   I want to learn how to be more compassionate with myself and others.
  •   I am interested in learning specific self-care tools to support my mental/emotional health.

The Discover e-course is also extremely beneficial to female leaders and the teams they serve.

See coaching and workshop page for more information.

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What do I gain by taking this course? 

  •   A deeper sense of self-understanding which leads to more self-compassion, worthiness and ultimately self-love.
  •   Clarity around how you take in and filter thoughts, emotions and beliefs so you can better understand yourself, others and how you have perceived your life circumstances. 
  •   More compassion for others which also allows you to more easily depersonalize and empathize. 
  • A deeper understanding around decision making tendencies which will create deeper inner trust and confidence.
  •    An increase in ability to maximize all three centers - mind, heart and gut - and create balance and synergy across all three centers. 
  •   A deeper awareness of the limiting stories and false assumptions you've made about yourself and your life so you can begin to rewrite a better, truer story for your future. 
  •   BONUS: Curated tools built just for your profile - these tools can be assimilated into your daily life. 
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How does this whole thing Work?

Once you Purchase the Discover E-course, you will be directed to create your own account by entering your email and creating a password. After you create your account you will be sent to the library page, and from there you are able to click on the Discover e-course. Also, you can access the course at any time through my website at www.elaineturner.com by clicking the login link at the far right of the header.

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This is what YOU get in the course - YIPPEE!!

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You will receive one module per week that includes pdf forms, videos, transcripts and self-reflection exercises. The first couple of modules will focus on breaking down all three profiles. We will identify strengths, key attributes, challenges, dealing with other profiles and decision making tendencies. And, in the following modules we will learn about thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs. We will end the course learning about specific tools we can use to enhance our profile. 

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During the course you will be given access to a private Facebook community where you can connect and share what you're learning with those who are participating in the course with you. Elaine highly recommends this group. These courses are built around community, connection and inclusivity. It is within these private groups where you will discover like-minded people who you can build a rapport and relationship with. 

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Elaine has custom curated a comprehensive tools section that is especially designed for each profile. However, you will have access to all of the tools assigned to each profile as every tool offered will benefit anyone. These tools can be game changers on your path of self-growth. They are also a wonderful gateway to begin experimenting with what healing modalities work best for YOU. These tools are truly AMAZING!! Get ready to change your life for the better! 

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You will have access to each of Elaine’s weekly live calls from the Discover E-course launch. They will review material covered from each lesson.

Private Community


You will receive 10 high quality videos where Elaine will teach about: each profile, thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs, and tools and practices for each profile. 

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After the 4 weeks of instruction end, you will have lifetime access to all course and bonus material. You will be able to go back and re-watch lessons or catch up if you got behind. 

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The Self-guided Discover e-course is now available. I would love for you to join me and start on this journey together!


  • 4 weeks of video instruction
  • 10 video lessons
  • Custom curated tools section
  • Prerecorded calls
  • Private Facebook Community
  • Lifetime access to course
Enroll Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Know Your Worth: Discover Your Personal Processing Profile

  •   Gain better self-understanding
  •   Begin to unravel  limiting                 beliefs
  •   Improve Relationships
  •   More confident decision                 making
Enroll Now

Is the Discover E-course right for me?


Taking the Discover E-course is the first step we take on our journey of reclaiming our self-worth. This course is designed to support and guide you in identifying your Personal Processing Profile –Thinker/Head, Feeler/Heart, Doer/Gut. Discovering how you take in, filter and relate to yourself, others and your life experience results in more clarity around why we feel, think and behave the way we do.

Once we understand the lens through which we see the world, we are more readily able to detach from the limiting beliefs and stories that have become the hidden scripts that run our lives.

We are no longer living in reaction mode and are able to understand ourselves and those around us with more clarity and compassion. This class brings us closer to our true self. The self free from our fleeting thoughts, over-reactive emotions and misguided beliefs. If you are on a quest for a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-understanding this course is for you! After taking this course, you will walk away with deeper self-understanding, improved relationships and more confident decision making skills. Please join me on this insightful journey!

Enroll Now

The lens through which we see the world originates through

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Hello and Welcome. I'm Elaine Turner. I guess you could say I am many things - a designer, entrepreneur, mother, wife, sister, daughter, philanthropist, and best girlfriend. You can also find me moonlighting as a part-time author, comedian, psychologist and interior designer. But all these so-called roles only tell part of my story, my heart beats through connection with other people. So first and foremost, I am a lover of people-especially women. In fact, I built the Know Your Worth Program for women as a way to connect, share our wounds and grow stronger together. 

The Discover e-course is the first step we take on the Know Your Worth journey. It is a framework I developed to help you identify your personal processing profile based on how you take in, filter and relate to yourself, others and the world around you. Knowing your processing center (Thinker/Mind, Feeler/Heart and Doer/Gut) reveals where you process the majority of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. 

By bringing awareness to our primary processing center, we are better able to understand the fact that it's through this lens that determines so much of how we perceive ourselves and our life circumstances. In fact, biologists have recently determined that 80% of what goes into creating what we call "experience" comes from information already in our brain, and only 20% is actual sensory data that we take in from the outside world. (Claire Zammit, Unlock Your Feminine Power, 2019) In other words, we are not victims to what happens to us, we are the victims of how we perceive it to be. Life is happening in and through us, not outside of us. 

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”

- Anais Nin

Once we understand the truth, we are able to gain clarity around why we think, feel and behave the way we do. We begin to clearly see how we’ve interpreted certain situations in our lives and how our beliefs have shaped our reality. With this deeper self-understanding, we can start to unravel our limited beliefs and create a life based on better self-understanding, improved relationships and more effective decision making. Ultimately, all of this new found awareness creates space for more compassion for ourselves and others. Developing a lens built on deeper self-understanding and compassion changes everything. It allows us to treat ourselves and others more tenderly which leads to a greater sense of worthiness, and ultimately self-love. 

Much of my work in this course was inspired by the enneagram personality typing system and the ancient teachings and wisdom of the Hindu chakra system. Also, scientists are now saying that there is evidence that the human body contains three brains. Neuroscience over the last few years has shown that aside from your head brain (the one we're familiar with, the 'cephalic brain'), we also have a heart brain ('cardiac brain') and a gut brain ('enteric brain'). Each of these brains is a sophisticated system of sensory neurons, motor neurons, neurotransmitters, and ganglia. They are able to receive and process information, store it, and access it again when needed. They can: sense, learn, remember, communicate, and change- amazing! (invisible-edgellc.com)

In this course, you'll learn to identify your own center and use that knowledge to gain self-insight so you can improve your life. 

You'll learn how to make the most out of your profile while also learning how to deal with other profiles more effectively. I'll also give you the key attributes, key challenges and the decision-making tendencies of each profile. 

Furthermore, we will study, define and breakdown the basic components of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs. We will engage in deep self-reflection and take inventory on what our own individual experience has been with each of these constructs. And, lastly, we will complete the course with a curated list of tools I specifically designed for each profile. These tools were created to maximize your own processing center, and to bring more balance and synergy across all three centers. 

From where I sit, the most fulfilled people are those who have committed themselves to deeper self-understanding in order to show up in life wholeheartedly. Taking this course will allow you to harness the strengths of your tendency while also discovering ways to counterbalance the limitations of your profile. 

In summary, when you've completed this course, you'll have taken your first steps toward building specific strategies to implement based on YOUR center. You'll have tools and practices to thrive in who you are and who you want to become. 

And most importantly, you'll also walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

Enroll Now

Are You a Thinker, Feeler, or Doer?

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"I Think, therefore I am"

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"I Feel, therefore I am"

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"I Do, therefore I am"

Take the Quiz

Who is the Discover E-Course for?

The course is right for you if you have ever felt any of below...

  •   I want to build better relationships
  •   I am passionate about self-growth and deeper self-understanding
  •   I no longer want to live in reaction mode and feel victim to my emotional ups and downs.
  •   I want to take the initial steps to unpack the limited beliefs I have unconsciously lived by.
  •   I want to become more conscious of my thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs.
  •   I want to learn how to be more compassionate with myself and others.
  •   I am interested in learning specific self-care tools to support my mental/emotional health.

The Discover e-course is also extremely beneficial to female leaders and the teams they serve.

See coaching and workshop page for more information.

Enroll Now

What do I gain by taking this course? 

  •   A deeper sense of self-understanding which leads to more self-compassion, worthiness and ultimately self-love.
  •  Clarity around how you take in and filter thoughts, emotions and beliefs so you can better understand yourself, others and how you have perceived your life circumstances.   
  •   More compassion for others which also allows you to more easily depersonalize and empathize. 
  •   An increase in ability to maximize all three centers - mind, heart and gut - and create balance and synergy across all three centers. 
  •   A deeper understanding around decision making tendencies which will create deeper inner trust and confidence.
  •  A deeper awareness of the limiting stories and false assumptions you've made about yourself and your life so you can begin to rewrite a better, truer story for your future. 
  •   BONUS: Curated tools built just for your profile - these tools can be assimilated into your daily life. 
Enroll Now

How does this whole thing Work?

Once you Purchase the Discover E-course, you will be directed to create your own account by entering your email and creating a password. After you create your account you will be sent to the library page, and from there you are able to click on the Discover e-course. Also, you can access the course at any time through my website at www.elaineturner.com by clicking the login link at the far right of the header. Please note- it might be a good idea to bookmark this course so it is easily accessible throughout the 4 weeks.  

Enroll Now

This is what YOU get in the course - YIPPEE!!

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You will receive one module per week that includes pdf forms, videos, transcripts and self-reflection exercises. The first couple of weeks will focus on breaking down all three profiles. We will identify strengths, key attributes, challenges, dealing with other profiles and decision making tendencies. And, in the following weeks we will learn about thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs. We will end the course learning about specific tools we can use to enhance our profile. 

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During the course you will be given access to a private Facebook community where you can connect and share what you're learning with those who are participating in the course with you. Elaine highly recommends this group. These courses are built around community, connection and inclusivity. It is within these private groups where you will discover like-minded people who you can build a rapport and relationship with. 

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Elaine has custom curated a comprehensive tools section that is especially designed for each profile. However, you will have access to all of the tools assigned to each profile as every tool offered will benefit anyone. These tools can be game changers on your path of self-growth. They are also a wonderful gateway to begin experimenting with what healing modalities work best for YOU. These tools are truly AMAZING!! Get ready to change your life for the better! 

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You will have access to each of Elaine’s weekly live calls from the Discover E-course launch. They will review material covered from each lesson.

Private Community


You will receive 10 high quality videos where Elaine will teach about: each profile, thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs, and tools and practices for each profile. 

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After the 4 weeks of instruction end, you will have lifetime access to all course and bonus material. You will be able to go back and re-watch lessons or catch up if you got behind. 

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The Discover e-course is now available. I would love for you to join me and start on this journey together!


  • 4 weeks of video instruction
  • 10 video lessons
  • Custom curated tools section
  • Prerecorded calls
  • Private Facebook Community
  • Lifetime access to course
Enroll Now!

Frequently Asked Questions